Join us on 12 November for this test and try event and complimentary sensor & lens external cleaning! 

Be among the first to explore the new GFX100 II and the GF55mmF1.7 R WR, featuring advanced technology that will undoubtedly take your photography to the next level. 

Get your Fujifilm camera or lens checked and cleaned by our technicians, ensuring it’s in optimal condition for your next shoot. 


DATE : 12 November 2023 (Sunday)

Time : 10am -1pm

*Lunch will be provided

Test and Try! ?

GFX100 II and the GF55mmF1.7 R WR

X-T5 | X-H2S | X-H2 | X-S20 | X-S10 | X-T30 II

Kindly register your interest via WhatsApp to KB Camera 017-6698700 (Danny)

Registration Fee : RM20 Only 

Limited slots. Registration Closing date 10 Nov 2023. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to get the best performance from your gear!

*Terms and conditions apply. 

#Fujifilm #FujifilmMY #FujifilmMalaysia #MoreThanFullFrame #KBCamera #TestandTry #Photography #DigitalPhotography #TouchandTrySession #GFX100II #GF55mm #DancePhotography #PhotographyLife #PhotographyLover #PhotographyDaily